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Zoé Neboit, winner of the Unafo Media Prize

The 1st prize of the first edition of the Unafo Media Prize was awarded to Zoé Neboit, in her first year of the Master of Journalism program. She won a check of 3 000 euros.

Her audio podcast entitled "Born under the same star" interweaves snapshots of the lives of workers and residents of a social residence. Through these portraits, we can also see that of Marseille. It will be published exclusively in the "Actualités Sociales Hebdomadaires" (ASH) and in the Unafo magazine "Action Habitat".

The aim of the Unafo Media Prize is to reward young journalists (local or proximity journalism, but also investigative or documentary journalism...), who have at heart to value and question, through field narration, the action and the usefulness in a difficult social situation. The jury is composed of professionals from the sector, journalists and public figures. The candidates had to deal with the theme "the social utility of supported housing" with a choice of three narrative techniques: an in-depth article, a 15 to 20 minutes podcast or a 5 to 7 minutes video.

Zoe Neboit