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EJCAM organises conferences and roundtables, regularly welcoming experts, academics and professionals from the media, press and communications sectors. These events, which are primarily aimed at EJCAM students and lecturers, are also open to students, lecturers and researchers from outside EJCAM, as well as to journalists, subject to prior request to Amrita Gheenoo and subject to capacity.


  • May 16, 2024, Territorial knowledge conference: “Changes in land ownership in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region”


    The Territorial Knowledge Meeting took place at the Mediterranean Institute of the City and Territories (2 Pl. Jules Guesde, 13003 Marseille) on Thursday May 16 at 10:30 a.m.
    Organised by the Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and Communication (EJCAM), this meeting was moderated by Alexandre Joux, full professor at EJCAM.
    Growing urbanisation, land pressure, tourism development, environmental issues: there are many factors that influence the evolution of land ownership.
    With 55% of owner households, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region is below the average in mainland France. Only half of tenant households could buy their current home or acquire housing adapted to their family composition.

    Furthermore, property ownership is more concentrated in the region than at the national level: 75% of private housing there is owned by multi-owner households (compared to 68% in France).

    What is the state of the real estate market in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur? What are the factors that limit access to property? Where do we observe a high concentration of private home ownership? What are the main uses of housing in the region owned by multiple owners?
    Supporting this reflection on a regional scale and thus enabling a better understanding of public policy issues in response to the new needs of residents is essential for the Southern Region.

    Laure Casanova-Enault, lecturer at the University of Avignon, introduced this meeting.

    The INSEE Regional Directorate presented two recent studies on access to property for tenant households and on housing owned by multi-owner households in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.
    Antoine Grandclement (AMU - TELEMMe) presented the first results of the work carried out with Laure Casanova Enault around taxation and land.

    Our key witness was Séverine Bonnin-Oliveira, lecturer in planning and urban planning at the Institute of Urban Planning and Regional Planning of Aix-Marseille University and member of the LIEU laboratory (UR 889). Her research questions the connection between the evolution of peri-urban and more broadly metropolitan ways of living, territorial and institutional changes and the definition of public policies, particularly in terms of planning and housing. 
    She recently participated in research programs on metropolitan habitability (POPSU Métropoles Toulouse) and resident dynamics in housing (collaborative practices with USH; citizen initiatives in Volonne with POSPU Territoires). She is scientific manager of the POPSU-Transitions Aix-Marseille-Provence program on metropolitan intensification.

  • April 3, 2024, Jean-Marie Charon was invited to discuss his book: "Jeunes journalistes - L'heure du doute".

    Jean-Marie Charon
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    Sociologist and media specialist, Jean-Marie Charon has focused his research and teaching on transformations in the print media, changes in the profession of journalist and relations between the media and the justice system. 
    Jean-Marie Charon has taught at CFPJ, Sciences Po Paris, IEP Rennes, EHESS, and the Universities of Paris 2, Paris 8 and Metz. A former editor-in-chief of Médias Pouvoirs, he was technical advisor to Catherine Trautmann, Minister of Culture and Communication, between 1997 and 1998. He is the author of the following reports to the Ministers of Culture and Communication: "Réflexions et propositions sur la déontologie de l'information", 1999. "Presse et numérique - L'invention d'un nouvel écosystème", June 2015.

    He has also written some thirty books. His most recently published books are: "Les médias en France", Repères / La Découverte, 2014. "La presse d'information multisupports", Uppr, 2016. "Rédactions en invention - Essai sur les mutations des médias d'information", Uppr, Sept 2019. "Yesterday's journalists: They left the profession", Entremises edition, 2021. "Alternatives Economiques - Quatre décennies au service de l'information citoyenne ", Les Petits matin, 2022. With Arnaud Mercier (under the direction of) "Les gilets jaunes - Un défi journalistique", Edition Panthéon - Assas. 2022. "Jeunes journalistes - l'heure du doute", Entremises éditions, 2023.

  • March 26, 2024, Meeting to discuss the stakes of the 2024 European elections

    Briefing elections europeennes 2024

    Representatives from the European Parliament and the European Commission will meet our students for a briefing on the issues at stake in the forthcoming European elections, on Tuesday March 26, at 12:00 pm, at the EJCAM premises in Marseille.

    • What does the EU actually do?
    • What European funds are allocated? To whom? On which territories? And for what benefits?
    • What are the types, roles and functions of the institutions that make up the EU's unique institutional structure?

    Cheida ANDRÉ, press officer at the European Parliament's Office in France, and Pierre LOAËC, head of the European Commission's Representation in Marseille, will discuss issues ranging from the workings of European institutions to the specific challenges of the European elections in 2024.

  • March 8, 2024, DECODDEX Conference "Inequalities in the face of climate disruption in developed countries: differentiated vulnerability."

    conference decoddex

    The Master 1 CODD students are organising their fourth conference in the DécODDex project on the theme "Inequalities in the face of climate disruption in developed countries: differentiated vulnerability".

    Today, why do we still often think that it's only in so-called "developing" countries that there are :

    • Differences in exposure to environmental disasters,
    • Inequalities in the face of global warming,
    • Differentiated vulnerability of certain populations.

    So-called "developing" countries are portrayed as having fewer financial, technological and logistical resources to cope with natural disasters or to implement mitigation measures.

    This makes them more vulnerable to economic and social damage after environmental disasters.

    Despite the reality of this situation, it would be an oversimplification to think that these inequalities do not exist in so-called "developed" countries.

    Over time, disasters and the effects of global warming are increasingly felt in Western countries. According to CRED (Centre for Research on the Epistemology of Disasters), the United States and France will be among the 10 countries most affected by climate-related disasters in 2021. Not everyone is equally exposed to, or able to adapt easily to, environmental disasters. Yet the media rarely address these issues.

    So talking about differentiated vulnerability to climate hazards can no longer be done without mentioning certain populations in Western countries.

    Program :

    9:00 am: Welcome and opening speech by Céline Pascual Espuny, Professor at EJCAM
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Conference followed by round table discussion

  • February 8, 2024, Territorial Knowledge Conference on cultural creativity and employment in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region


    Influenced by technological advances, social change, artistic trends and economic challenges, the cultural sector is constantly evolving and adapting.

    With almost 43,000 people working in the cultural sector, or 2.2% of total employment, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region ranks 2nd in France (excluding Île-de-France). While our region stands out for its high level of employment in the performing arts, it is also seeing the emergence of new players, revealing a diversity of creative initiatives, artistic orientations and management methods.

    How are cultural venues and jobs evolving in response to current cultural, technological and social trends? What models should be developed to ensure that culture plays a part in regional economic development, and that audiences participate in cultural activities? How are jobs distributed in the cultural sector?

    Accompanying this reflection on a regional scale, and thus enabling us to better define the public policy issues at stake in response to the new needs of local residents, is of paramount importance for the South Region.

    This Connaissance du Territoire meeting will be moderated by Alexandre Joux, university professor at the Aix Marseille School of Journalism and Communication:

    • The regional network of urban planning agencies (Vincent Moulin - AUDAT) will present the 2022 study on creative places and districts in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.
    • The Insee regional office (Olivier Sanzeri and Julie Fine) will present its work on employment in the cultural sector, published in December (Insee Analyses Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur n° 121).

    Our guest speaker will be Emmanuel Vergès, co-director of the Observatoire des politiques culturelles in Grenoble and co-director of the office in Marseille, who has worked at the Friche la Belle de Mai for almost 20 years to develop a digital literacy center and a creative center. His main topic: digital transformations in culture.

    Photo: © Région Sud / Florent GARDIN

  • January 11, 2024, DECODDEX conference "Activism in the age of digital social networks".

    Militantisme Engagement Ecologie et communication

    The Master 1 CODD students organised their third conference of the DecODDex project on the theme "Activism, commitment, ecology and communication"..

    On January 11, 2024, experts in science, politics and communication explored the topic of "Activism in the age of digital social networks".. The aim was to highlight the importance of raising awareness of ecology through the use of digital communication media. The aim of the conference was to understand the challenges of online activism.

    Program :

    9:00am: Welcome and opening speech by Céline Pascual Espuny, Professor at EJCAM
    10:00am - 12:00pm: Conference followed by round table discussion:

    • Joël Guiot, paleoclimatologist, Emeritus Research Director at CNRS, CEREGE
    • Bruno Gelsomino, communications and marketing expert for SMEs
    • François-Michel Lambert, former MP for the 10th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône with EELV, member of Génération Ecologie, Founder of the Institut National de l'Economie Circulaire (INEC)
  • December 14, 2023, Territorial Knowledge Conference : "Social Inequalities in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region" Territorial Knowledge Conference

    Photo Region - Cintas-Flores Regis-Marche aux poissons
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    Economic inequalities, access to education, access to healthcare, housing: social inequalities cover a wide range of situations.
    In Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur in 2020, almost 850,000 people, or 17.0% of the population, will be living in a household with a standard of living below the poverty line. Preventing and combating poverty requires a detailed understanding of local realities and the life paths of people exposed to precariousness.

    What are the different problems faced by people in or close to precarious situations? What is the social situation in 2023 in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur? What solidarity policies are being implemented by the State, local authorities and associations?

    It is vital for the Southern Region to support this regional reflection, and thus help to better define the public policy issues at stake in response to the new needs of its inhabitants.

    This Rencontre Connaissance du Territoire will be moderated by Alexandre Joux, university professor at the École de Journalisme et de Communication d'Aix Marseille:
    - The Insee regional agency will present its "Panorama de la pauvreté : une diversité de situations individuelles et territoriales" (Panorama of poverty: a diversity of individual and territorial situations), published in October 2023.
    - The Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur Regional Social Observation Unit (DROS) will present its 2023 Social Barometer.

    Our keynote speaker will be Nicolas Duvoux, Professor of Sociology at the University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis, Editor-in-Chief of La Vie des Idées and member of the National Observatory on Poverty and Social Exclusion.

    Cintas-Flores Regis

  • December 13, 2023, DECODDEX Conference "The responsible use of our digital tools".

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    The second conference, scheduled for December 13, will focus on the theme of digital sobriety. On the program: a conference on the responsible use of our digital tools, led by researchers, and a round-table discussion.

    These conferences are funded by Aix-Marseille University. They are organized by students of the Masters 1 & 2 in Communication and Sustainable Development (CODD) to promote the objectives of sustainable development and encourage discussion and debate on the issues involved.

    Program :

    9:00 am: Welcome and opening speech by Céline Pascual Espuny, Professor at EJCAM
    10:00 am - Lecture: Bertrand Keller, specialist in accessibility and digital responsibility, Green IT member

    11h00 - Round table :

    • Alexandra Salou, teacher-researcher in communication at Aix-Marseille University
    • Nicolas Rochet, Senior Data Scientist at Adalab, moderator at Data for Good
    • Bruno Foucras, Associate Professor at Aix-Marseille University, member of the Shift Project's Digital Expert Group

  • December 6, 2023, "Human Rights Day - the rights of migrants".

    Affiche journée des droits humains
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    The 1st edition of Human Rights Day - a student project created by L3 Information-Communication students at EJCAM - will take place at the Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and Communication (Antenne d'Aix located on the INSPE site - 2 av. Jules Isaac, 13626) on Wednesday December 6 at 3pm.
    Right to asylum, refugee rights, treatment of migrants by States and intervention by NGOs: the management of migrants is at the heart of current debates. Since January 2023, more than 2,500 people have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean Sea, that's around 7 people a day. The ordeal continues even after a successful crossing: racism, working conditions akin to exploitation, difficulty in obtaining papers and regularized status... Many clichés contribute to influencing our perception of these migrant people and, consequently, our power and willingness to act and commit to them.
    Who are migrants? What drives them to take so many risks? Why are they so poorly regarded by governments and their populations? How can we combat these clichés?

    Reminding and promoting these rights, informing about actions and encouraging exchanges with specialists and committed players (NGOs, researchers...) is a necessity in order to better understand these human rights which are ours and to defend them for oneself as well as for others.
    This Human Rights Day, organized by Gabriel Bathore, Emma Adjibou and Nizar Addala, features:
    - A film debate (3pm-4pm): screening of videos providing information on the rights
    of migrants, followed by discussions and exchanges that will serve
    as an introduction to the round table.
    - A round-table discussion (4:30-6pm): our guests will reflect on the theme of "Migrants: what are the challenges for the EU, France and the PACA region?", followed by an exchange with the public.
    - Stands (3-6:30pm): our guests will set up stands to learn more about their roles, missions, commitments and professional/volunteer needs.
    Participating in this event will be the NGOs Amnesty International, SOS Méditerranée, La Cimade and their speakers, as well as Mme Mésini Béatrice, researcher at the CNRS and the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme.

  • November 21, 2023, Conference and exhibition on fake news

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    "Fake news: art, fiction, lies" is the theme of an exhibition organized by the Center for Media, Education and Information on November 21 in the library of the Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation in Aix-en-Provence. The aim of the exhibition is to provide guidance for secondary school curricula.
    The exhibition's main target audience is Masters of Education students, the future teachers of lower and upper secondary schools. As more and more teenagers go online, we need to protect them from the dangers of fake news by training them to distinguish between true and false information published daily on digital social networks.

    Participants will discover how the fake news industry draws on the techniques of art to manufacture and disseminate false information. The misleading content circulating online is so diverse in nature that it cannot all be classified under the generic label of fake news. For this reason, the public will be made aware of the typology developed by researcher Claire Wardle.
    In addition to the exhibition at the university library, Marc Bassoni, teacher-researcher at the Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and Communication, will lead a conference on the subject of "Professional journalism and fake news: an effective antidote or a remedy with random effects? "
    The day will close with a screening of pocket films produced by INSPE students to teach them how to spot fake news, and a poster presentation on teaching critical thinking skills.

  • November 14, 2023, Meeting with the editorial staff of Le Monde newspaper


    A meeting is planned between our journalism students and Jérôme Fenoglio, director of Le Monde and Gilles Van Kote, deputy director of Le Monde.

    Jérôme Fenoglio is a graduate of ESJ. He joined Le Monde in 1991 as a reporter in the sports department. In 1996, he was put in charge of the "exclusion" section in the Society department, before becoming deputy head of the department in 1999, and then head until 2004. He then joined the Science department as an editor, before being appointed deputy editor-in-chief of "Le Monde 2" in 2007. In 2009, he joined the major reporters department. In 2011, Erik Izraelewicz appointed him editor-in-chief of Le In May 2013, he joined the major reporters department. In 2014, Gilles van Kote, acting director of Le Monde, appointed Jérôme Fenoglio director of editorial services. Jérôme Fenoglio was then elected director of Le Monde in June 2015 for a six-year term. His mandate was renewed in 2021.

    Le Monde's Deputy Director of Reader Relations, Gilles van Kote is also the organizer of the Festival International de Journalisme, an event for the general public held every summer in the Lot-et-Garonne region of France. A print journalist specializing in sports and then environmental issues, he was Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Le Monde group from 2009 to 2014, then Acting Director of Le Monde from 2014 to 2015.

  • October 25, 2023, DECODDEX conference "Ecology of marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean".

    Affiche journee decoddex 25 oct 2023

    Cycle of lectures for and by students in the 1&2 CODD Masters courses
    These lectures, part of the "DECODDEX" project funded by Aix-Marseille University, aim to promote the Sustainable Development Goals.
    The first conference will focus on marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean.
    9:00 am: Welcome and opening address by Céline Pascual Espuny, Professor at EJCAM
    10:00 am - Lecture: Sandrine Ruitton, Lecturer at the IUT HSE in La Ciotat and specialist in environmental management.
    11h00 - Round table :

    • Thierry Botti, Head of Communications, OSU Pytheas
    • Pedro Lima, author, journalist and science presenter. Latest publication: "Le trésor des grottes ornées" (Ed. Synops)
    • Cécile Régnier, Division Manager, Direction Générale Adjointe du Temps libre, Direction Mer et Littoral, Service Biodiversité et Environnement littoral et marin.
  • September 27, 2023, Conference-debate "Digital, AI: between adaptations and reaffirmation of communication and journalism professions".

    Alexandre Joux

    After adapting to digital technology, the emergence of AI is reconfiguring the professional stakes for information and communication specialists: towards a reaffirmation of the specificity of professions and skills.
    A lecture by Alexandre Joux, University Professor at the Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and Communication, Director of the Institut Méditerranéen des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (IMSIC) laboratory.

    Report on this meeting with Axel Gontcho, M2 RECICOM (EJCAM)

    At 16:30, Conference-debate: Journalism and post-truth: for an info-communication approach to journalism.

    Introduction by Alexandre Joux and presentation of L'Essentiel Journalisme et post-vérité, lecture by Dominique Wolton, presentation of IMSIC work related to the theme of L'Essentiel: media treatment of the "Raoult case" in the press, by Erika Riberi. Discussion with the audience.

  • September 11, 2023, Journalism and post-truth: a meeting with Dominique Wolton

    Dominique Wolton

    Dominique Wolton was in Marseille on Monday September 11, 2023, at EJCAM, to mark the release of l'Essentiel Journalisme et post-vérité (Hermès, CNRS), coordinated by Alexandre Joux, with Pauline Amiel, contributions from Marc Bassoni and Stéphanie Lukasik for IMSIC, Lucas Graves, Jérémie Nicey, Benoît Grevisse, Vincent Carlino and Nathalie Pignard-Cheynel, Nicolas Kaciaf and others ... In bookshops on September 28, 2023!

    He met doctoral students and teacher-researchers for a time of exchange and discussion about Hermès and the research carried out by the IMSIC (Institut méditerranéen des sciences de l'information et de la communication).

    At 4:30 pm, Conference-debate on journalism and post-truth: for an info-communication approach to journalism.

    Introduction by Alexandre Joux and presentation of L'Essentiel Journalisme et post-vérité, lecture by Dominique Wolton, presentation of IMSIC work related to the theme of L'Essentiel: media treatment of the "Raoult case" in the press, by Erika Riberi. Debate with the audience.

    Report on this meeting with Axel Gontcho, M2 RECICOM (EJCAM)


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