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  • June 22, 2023: Territorial knowledge conference "Medium-sized towns, peri-urbanization: simple words, complex spaces"

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    For several years now, medium-sized towns and suburban areas have been experiencing a number of dynamics, influenced by multiple factors, which are shaping their development and evolution.
    With a highly urbanized territory of over 5 million inhabitants, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region is strongly impacted by these urban and metropolitan pressures that are reshaping its geography.
    Between metropolization and peri-urbanization: what does the future hold for medium-sized towns? What dynamics are at play? What role does demographic distribution play? How has the attractiveness of small towns and suburban areas changed?

    Hosted by Alexandre Joux, this event will bring together :

    • Christophe Zaepfel, demographer, head of studies at the Agence d'urbanisme de l'aire toulonnaise et du Var ( AUDAT) and Thibaud Marijn, SRADDET evaluation officer at the Région SUD, to discuss a study on the profiles and dynamics of regional urban centers,
    • Sonia Oujia and Benjamin Mereau from the Insee regional office. They will present the work on peri-urbanization carried out as part of the regional atlas (December 2022),
    • Christophe Demazière, professor of regional planning at the University of Tours and an expert in urban development, will be our guest speaker. He will discuss the future of medium-sized towns between metropolization and peri-urbanization.

    The presentations will be followed by a debate with participants.

    Date and time : June 22, 2023, 10:30 a.m.
    Venue: Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and Communication
    21 Rue Virgile Marron, 13005 Marseille, France

    Registration required

  • March 2, 2023: Territorial knowledge conference "Obstacles and levers of the development of soft mobility in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region"

    Image une personne sur un vélo

    Although mobility patterns have changed significantly over the last ten years with the rise of shared mobility and the emergence of carbon-free individual means of travel, the car remains by far the primary means of transportation for daily trips. In a context of ecological and climatic crisis, adapting by changing habits will help anticipate and minimize risks. In the Southern Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, transportation currently accounts for nearly 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. Aware of the challenge facing us, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region has made the ecological transition one of its priorities.

    As part of its regional bicycle route plan, it is participating in the development of links to multimodal hubs from these routes and the creation of bicycle parking in the hubs to promote bicycle and train intermodality.
    What are the levers and obstacles to the development of cycling in the Southern Region today? How can we support changes in mobility habits? What are the futures of tomorrow's train stations? How is intermodality being implemented?
    Supporting changes in mobility behaviors is a crucial issue for the Southern Region, which is mobilizing its "Knowledge Factory" partnerships to better understand its inhabitants, their lifestyles and travel habits.
    During this new territorial knowledge meeting, moderated by Alexandre JOUX, full professor at Aix Marseille School of Journalism, have intervene :

    • Maurice OLIVE, lecturer in political science - University of Aix-Marseille. He will present the study "Les associations, acteurs des politiques de mobilité vélo - Initiatives, expériences, modes d'action
    • Valérie MICHON, lecturer in management science - University of Aix-Marseille
    • Aurélien BIGO, our main witness, researcher associated with the Energy and Prosperity Chair at the Louis-Bachelier Institute and author of a thesis on the decarbonisation of transport by 2050. He has discussed the notion of sustainable mobility and the place of soft modes of transport, particularly bicycles.

    The presentations are followed by a debate with the participants.

  • February 24, 2023, Julien Desvages, Office manager of BFM Marseille Provence, meets with journalism students

    Julien Desvages
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    Julien Desvages studied at EJCAM from 2007 to 2009. After obtaining his Master's degree in Journalism in 2009, he started his career at LCM (La Chaine Marseille) and stayed there until 2014. He also worked for BFM TV in Marseille. In 2015, he was recruited as a reporter for M6 for the 12.45 and 19.45. That same year, he was hired at Itélé (Cnews). From reporter, he became news presenter before being appointed editor-in-chief.
    In 2021, he was recruited as office manager of BFM Marseille Provence and BFM Toulon Var. He piloted the launches of the two channels in October 2021, and since then, he manages the two editorial offices.
  • February 23, 2023, Justine Perez, journalist, author and producer of podcasts, invited to meet our students

    justine perez
    Justine Perez is a journalist, writer and producer of podcasts. After a master's degree in political science, she had training in journalism in Buenos Aires and then at the El Pais newspaper school in Madrid. She produced the morning show of the leading Spanish radio station, La Cadena SER, for two years and then returned to her home town, Marseille, to devote herself to writing and producing podcasts. Among other things, she collaborates in the preparation of a five-episode audio documentary about soccer business for the Audible platform (Amazon). On the other hand, she accompanies the audiovisual company 13 Prods in the launch of a podcasts branch. In this context, she co-wrote and produced the series "Sauce Algérienne" released in February 2022 on the relationship of young generations to the history of the Algerian War for Spotify. This podcast was nominated for the Prix Europa for the best sound documentary as well as for the "Prix Grandes Ondes" of the Festival Longueur d'Ondes. She is currently working on the preparation of the second season.
  • January 24, 2023, Meeting with Eric Valmir from Radio France

    Eric Valmir

    Eric Valmir is the General Secretary of Information at Radio France.
    He is coming to meet the EJCAM students as part of their participation in Interclass.
    He will also introduce them to the editorial offices of Radio France and the possibilities of socio-professional integration within the group.

    Photo credit: Librairie Mollat, 2018

  • January 19, 2023, Lionel Paoli, political reporter and editorialist, invited to meet our students

    Lionel Paoli
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    Lionel Paoli, reporter politique et éditorialiste pour l'ensemble du Groupe Nice-Matin, invité à rencontrer nos étudiants en journalisme. Après des études à l'EJCAM (alors CTMC) de 1993 à 1995, Lionel Paoli a commencé sa carrière au service culture de La Provence (alors Le Provençal) avant de rejoindre Nice-Matin le jour de ses 25 ans en février 1997. Depuis un quart de siècle, il a occupé à peu près tous les postes au journal : localier dans diverses agences, puis responsable de la page Médias, chef de rubrique, chef d'agence puis chef d'édition. Lionel Paoli est reporter politique et éditorialiste pour l'ensemble du Groupe Nice-Matin depuis avril 2021.

    Date et lieu : 19/01/23 à 14h00 sur le site de l'EJCAM Marseille.

  • December 08, 2022, Territorial knowledge conference "Farmers, the challenge of generational renewal in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur"

    connaissance du territoire

    The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region offers a rich agriculture thanks to a territory extending from the coast to the high mountains. In 2020, it had 18,025 farms. However, climatic and economic crises have a direct impact on farms, forcing farmers to be highly agile and constantly adaptable, even as the challenge of food sovereignty in the region becomes more pressing.

    In this context, the agricultural world must take up the challenge of installing new farmers. Although the latest agricultural census highlights a rejuvenation of the population of farmers in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, in 2020, more than half of the farms in the region will be run by a farmer aged 55 or over. Who are the new farmers in the Southern Region? How can we better support them in their path towards viable and livable farms?
    Supporting the renewal of the farming population is a crucial issue for the Southern Region, which is mobilising its "Knowledge Factories" partnerships to get to know these new farmers better and to better support their installation.
    During this new "Connaissance du Territoire" meeting, moderated by Alexandre JOUX, Full Professor at Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and communication:

    • Célia PASQUETTI, head of the food sovereignty department of the Southern Region will introduce the regional context and the stakes on the regional territory.
    • Aurélie CARDONA, sociology researcher, and Emilie RICHARD-FEVRE, post-doctoral resercher at INRAE, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Research Centre, UR Ecodevelopment, will present "Setting up in agriculture in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region: an obstacle course?  In a context where the renewal of the agricultural population is an urgent issue that must be supported, the Southern Region has mobilised INRAE to study the issue of agricultural installation. The proposed study allows us to understand the strategies of the holders of agricultural projects in terms of installation aids in their trajectories and in what way these aids constitute or not resources to ensure the success and viability of installation projects.
    • Our main witness will be Cécile GAZO, PhD student in sociology. Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse / École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse, Joint Research Unit, INPT-INRAE AGIR. UMR AGIR AGroécologie, Innovations et Territoires - Thesis GAZO Cécile (


  • November 29, 2022, "Raising awareness about the environment : Between activism and neutrality"

    affiche conference Alerter sur l’environnement : Entre militantisme et neutralité
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    The EJCAM's Master 2 Communication of Organizations and Sustainable Development (CODD) class has organized a round table on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. This conference took place within the framework of the participation of the EJCAM and the INSPE of Aix-en-Provence in the week Agir Ensemble of Aix-Marseille University. This event will be dedicated to the place of environmental issues in the media, thanks to the viewpoint of a journalist and a scientist who will be able to enlighten us on their positions regarding this media treatment.

    • Nicolas Roche, Professor and scientist at the Center for Research and Teaching of Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE)
    • Laure Lemeille, former student of EJCAM, journalist

    November 29, 2022, 16H30, 2 Av Jules Issac, INSPE, Aix-en-Provence

  • November 21, 2022, Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch, Journalist at the TV show Quotidien, invited to meet our journalism students

    Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch
    Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch

    Graduated from EJCAM in 2006 (EJCM at the time), he joined "Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui en France" after winning the Pascale Gérin Prize (Best intern of the summer 2016). He did his training in the very formative "news" department where he covered, in particular, the Courjault affair known as the "frozen babies". He then joined the brand new "web" service and revealed the famous "Casse-toi pov' con" video on the site. He then pushes the door of the political service where he covers the news of the extreme right, fueled by the succession of Jean-Marie Le Pen to the FN.
    In 2009, M6 recruits him to join the new team that will launch the first evening newscast of the channel "19-45". In charge of the political and "police-justice" news, he reveals with his colleague François Vignolle the "Zahia" affair. In 2015, he joined the program "Le Supplément" on Canal + and then "Quotidien" on TMC presented by Yann Barthès (produced by the company Bangumi).

    During these 16 years, in these different editorial offices, he was able, in parallel, to publish four books: Le Testament du Diable (on Le Pen), la France du Djihad, OM, Premier pour toujours and very recently Dossier V13 (PLON) on the trial of the November 13th attacks.
    Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch holds a degree in Political Science and a Master's degree in Journalism. He is also a great supporter of the Olympic of Marseille.

    Anthony Ghnassi a/TMC

  • September 30, 2022, Conference: 40 years of change in the journalism and communication professions in the digital age


    On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and Communication (EJCAM), the Institut Méditerranéen des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (IMSIC) and EJCAM collaborates to reflect on the evolution of the journalism and communication professions, which are at the heart of their respective concerns. On this occasion, research and pedagogy have proposed a joint reflection, completed and resolutely oriented towards students, alumni, professionals and researchers.
    The last forty years have seen profound changes in the professions of journalism, communication and the media.

    While communication has found its place in all sectors and institutions (associations, companies, public services, etc.), journalism has been particularly affected by the emergence of the web and the widespread publication of information online. Thus, the professions that EJCAM trains for have also evolved considerably.
    As a major actor in training in these sectors, in Marseille and in France, the School of Journalism and Communication has been able to accompany these changes over time. These forty years, and the addition of the IMSIC, now the third largest national laboratory in Information and Communication Sciences, have also modified the links between teaching and research. Thus, this celebration of EJCAM's 40th anniversary was an opportunity to take stock of these changes, to look back at the progress made, and to look forward to the future.

    This event took place on Friday, September 30, 2022 at EJCAM.

  • September 22, 2022, Roundtable discussion: "Journalism a passionnate job?"

    Femme journaliste tenant à la main deux micros, et en train de prendre des notes dans un cahierahier
    Image journaliste avec micros

    A round table was held on Thursday september 22, 2022, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm in amphitheatre A on the theme of journalism as a "passionnate job".

    The round table is organized as part of the preparation of the Etats généraux de la formation et de l'emploi des jeunes journalistes which will be held at the beginning of October in Paris. The Etats généraux are organized by the Conférence des écoles de journalisme and our round table, like other events organized in the different schools, will be presented at a plenary conference. The theme was chosen by a working group of students from the J2 class who contributed to the preparation of the "Etats généraux".

    The panel of our round table was composed of :

    • Jean-Marie Leforestier, editor in chief at Marsactu
    • Thierry Valero, deputy editor-in-chief of Anne-Sophie Maxime in charge of regional news at France Télévisions in PACA, and long-time editor-in-chief at France 2 in charge of regional correspondents
    • Romain Capdepon, journalist reporter at La Provence and former head of the police-justice section, author of the book Les Minots
    • Yacine Amenna, doctoral student at the EHESS, Norbert Elias Center, working on Professional soccer and its strategies for recruiting and training young people in France and Germany. He will bring a sociological perspective on the issues of vocation and integration of young professionals.

    The idea of the theme is to question the passionate and vocational dimension of journalism, its stakes in terms of investment in work (articulation of professional and personal life), the possible differences between young journalists and previous generations in the investment in work, as well as the role of vocation and passion in choosing a career in journalism.