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  • Initial training - continuing education
  • 120 credits
  • 243€ (registration fee for initial training)
  • EJCAM (Site INSPE) - 2 Av Jules Isaac, 13626 Aix-en-Provence
  • Objectives

    This Master's degree in information and communication sciences is anchored in the current issues in organisational communication crossed with those of ecological and digital transitions. All organisations (small and large, in all sectors of activity) are confronted with the environmental challenge in their production and distribution activities of products and services. This Master's degree offers to train students in a double skill set: organisational communications and environmental communications, with a mastery of certain innovative logics and practices that allow activities and actors to be included in an environmentally friendly approach. In addition to the fundamental courses common to all the Masters' courses (all courses are delivered in french), this master degree enables students to:

    • apprehend the variety of organisational forms and cultures, of communication strategies adapted to an eco-responsible approach involving stakeholders and engaging publics (decision-makers, employees, consumers, users, various partners...)
    • link the three pillars of this master degree: economic, societal and environmental in the design, implementation and evaluation of innovative and collaborative projects and to publicise them
    • master certain digital communication practices, by choosing the right tools and devices with regard to governance and communication objectives, often focused on the management of change.
  • For which students? For which careers?

    The program includes lectures and theory, as well as practical works. Students are trained to design and conduct projects related to current environmental issues and involving a certain amount of creativity, to develop their knowledge of environmental humanities, and to improve their skills in the field of professional writing. This program prepares graduates for positions of responsibility, consulting, and expertise in organisational and environmental communication, for graduates capable of developing projects, intervening, and innovating in a variety of organisational and professional contexts (private and public sectors).

    The profile of the graduates is both multi-skilled, versatile and able to manage and provide expertise in one or more of the fields of activity. The multidisciplinary approach, both theoretical and practical, will enable graduates to adapt later to the many changes they will encounter in a highly evolving sector of professional activity - communication, organisational communication and sustainable development.

    For more information on the targeted professions:

  • Admission requirements

    This master degree is accessible to all students with a BAC+3 (Baccalaureate - High School Diploma + 3 years of university studies), after the study of the application file. Direct entry into the 2nd year of the Master's program is possible for holders of a BAC+4, after the study of their application.

    • Holders of a  Bachelor's degree in Information-Communication
    • Holders of a Bachelor's degree in Arts, Letters, Languages, Human and Social Sciences, Political Science, Law, Economics and Management
    • Holders of a Bachelor's degree in another discipline or foreign diplomas (subject to validation by the teaching staff and the Pedagogical Commission).
  • Internships and supervised projects

    An 8-week internship is compulsory in M2. You must do it in the second semester (from mid-January). You can do one or more internships and exceed the minimum duration of 8 weeks. Your last internship must end on September 30 of the academic year. 

  • Applications

    Applications are closed for the start of the September 2023 school year. The dates for the 2024 application campaign will be specified later.

    Students wishing to apply for a Master 1 degree will be able to do so via

    Students wishing to apply for a Master 2 degree can do so via e-candidat.

    Application form for continuing education: contact Myriam Attard ( - 04 91 24 32 97.


Contact à ajouter
Head of program
Contact à ajouter
Assistant to the Head of student support services, Admin, Aix-en-Provence (Monday to Thursday 8:00 to 11:30 and from 12:45 to 16:15 - wednesday off - Friday from 8:00 to 11:30. Teleworking: Tuesday and Friday afternoon)
Contact à ajouter
School - Continuing education (Monday to Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.), Teleworking: Thursday

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