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Jean-Marie Charon was invited to discuss his book: "Jeunes journalistes - L'heure du doute".

Jean-Marie Charon

Sociologist and media specialist, Jean-Marie Charon has focused his research and teaching on transformations in the print media, changes in the profession of journalist and relations between the media and the justice system. 
Jean-Marie Charon has taught at CFPJ, Sciences Po Paris, IEP Rennes, EHESS, and the Universities of Paris 2, Paris 8 and Metz. A former editor-in-chief of Médias Pouvoirs, he was technical advisor to Catherine Trautmann, Minister of Culture and Communication, between 1997 and 1998. He is the author of the following reports to the Ministers of Culture and Communication: "Réflexions et propositions sur la déontologie de l'information", 1999. "Presse et numérique - L'invention d'un nouvel écosystème", June 2015.
He has also written some thirty books. His most recently published books are: "Les médias en France", Repères / La Découverte, 2014. "La presse d'information multisupports", Uppr, 2016. "Rédactions en invention - Essai sur les mutations des médias d'information", Uppr, Sept 2019. "Yesterday's journalists: They left the profession", Entremises edition, 2021. "Alternatives Economiques - Quatre décennies au service de l'information citoyenne", Les Petits matin, 2022. With Arnaud Mercier (under the direction of) "Les gilets jaunes - Un défi journalistique", Edition Panthéon - Assas. 2022. "Jeunes journalistes - l'heure du doute", Entremises éditions, 2023.

Date of meeting : April 3, 2024, at EJCAM, Marseille site, at 4:30pm.